Laser Bacterial Reduction is a revolutionary new technology that attacks gum disease at a microscopic level by using a soft tissue laser. The laser targets bacterial colonies that may be otherwise hard to reach through regular means. It promotes healing and the destruction of the bacteria that causes periodontal disease and inflammation. Inflammation of the gums is linked to life threatening diseases such as heart attack, stroke and Alzheimer’s, as the diseased gum tissue causes pockets that bacteria can enter and fester in. Laser Bacterial Reduction focuses and targets harmful bacteria by circling the teeth and gum pockets and reducing the billions of bacteria within the pocket to hundreds within a matter of seconds.
After Laser Bacterial Reduction, bacterial levels slowly grow back to original levels, but proper oral care can heal the area enough so that the healthy surrounding gum can reattach itself and shrink the deep pockets. Laser Bacterial Reduction can help reduce or eliminate bacteria that can enter the bloodstream, and can prevent cross contamination of infection within the mouth. It also helps to destroy bacteria before it causes severe damage to the structures surrounding the tooth, resulting in tooth loss. It can also help improve overall health by boosting the immune system. In all, we recommend patients with severe gum disease and deep pockets undergo this procedure, which is painless and easy, taking anywhere from 5-10 minutes depending on the severity of the gum disease. Laser Bacterial Reduction is a simple and effective way to immediately rid the gums of bacteria causing damage to teeth and gums.
Here at DENTAL EXCELLENCE of Alexandria we support Breastfeeding and offer Tongue Tie Laser Treatment. This relatively new option is suitable for neonates, older children and adults. No general anesthetic is used, but an analgesic gel might be applied. The procedure is very quick, taking only 2 to 3 minutes to perform, but some cooperation from the patient in keeping still is required.
There is virtually no bleeding, no pain, no risk of infection and the healing period can be as short as 2 hours.
The patient needs to follow exercise schedule. If this procedure is done after age 3, patient needs to follow up with speech therapist.
Tongue-Tie and Breastfeeding
Catherine Watson Genna
New York City, NY USA
From: LEAVEN, Vol. 38 No. 2, April-May 2002, pp. 27-29
Tongue-tie or ankyloglossia (from the Greek for “crooked tongue”) is the condition where the lingual frenulum, the band of tissue that attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth, restricts tongue movement. In tongue-tied infants, the frenulum is usually attached close to the tongue tip, leaving little or no “free tongue,” but it can also be placed further back and be unusually short or tight. For generations, this condition was diagnosed and treated at birth to prevent breastfeeding and speech difficulties, but with the decline of breastfeeding in the 1940s and 1950s, treatment fell out of favor. With the resurgence of breastfeeding, tongue-tie was again identified as a potential problem, and researchers have subsequently begun identifying diagnostic and treatment criteria that are appropriate for supporting breastfeeding mothers.